the work

Lounge Lovers


If there was a winner of COVID it had to be the lounge.

When COVID shuttered retail stores for the very first lockdown of 2020, furniture retailer Lounge Lovers had to perform a quick pivot to upscale their online business. Not only did they come to us with an urgent brief to revitalise their existing video content but to also create some instructional videos on the functionality of their pieces, given they couldn’t rely on their store staff to do the selling.

We sourced the perfect stunt house, coordinated two removalist teams, multiple stylists, and trucked-in lounges in double digits. In just one, carefully planned shoot day (and many hours of skilful editing) we directed and produced 15 pieces of video content to detail a range of different furniture styles. All of which gave Lounge Lovers even more bang for their buck when lockdowns became a semi-regular thing.

Our client loved the content we’d created so much they asked to extend their usage period to keep it in market.
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